Top puppy names 2022

Boris's popularity is plummeting according to the latest analysis - of names given to dogs.
After the 2019 December election the popularity of the name Boris for dogs soared, with 313 puppies named Boris in 2020 - according to Agria Pet Insurance, providers of Kennel Club Pet Insurance.
Rover has increased by 60 percent in a year as space-themed names make a comeback, in a return thought to be inspired by Nasa projects.
Over the last five years, puppy names in the UK’s top ten have largely stayed consistent with Bella, Willow, Daisy and Lola leading the charge for female pets, whilst Teddy, Milo, Buddy and Reggie maintain the top spots for male dogs.
At the other end of the scale, female names with the biggest fall from grace include Roxi, Libby and Peach, in addition to male names Spike, Nacho and Alan.
Captain Tom Moore has secured a sentimental place in the nation’s heart with the names Captain and Tom rising in popularity. In fact, there were over 1000 per cent more puppies named Captain and over 350 per cent more named Tom registered in 2021 compared to pre-pandemic!
Fashion brands have historically been a female puppy name favourite, and this year is no different. However, there has been a notable shift in the most-chosen luxury label. 2021 appears to be Fendi’s time in the spotlight as, although zero puppies received the name in 2020, 48 were listed in 2021. The fashion house takes the mantle from Chanel, which fell in popularity from 28 puppies in 2020, to zero in 2021.
Top 10 male puppy names:
- Teddy
- Milo
- Buddy
- Puppy
- Reggie
- Cooper
- Loki
- Max
- Charlie
- Bailey
Top 10 female puppy names:
- Bella
- Willow
- Daisy
- Lola
- Ruby
- Poppy
- Rosie
- Mabel
- Bonnie
- Nala